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Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie (KJPP)

Sarah Di Pietro

Sarah Di Pietro, Dr.

  • Postdoktorandin
+41 (0)58 384 67 14

Sarah Di Pietro finished her Master’s degree in psychology at the University of Bern. In her Master’s Thesis, she was involved in an EEG study investigating learning during slow wave sleep, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Katharina Henke. Sarah then did a PhD studying neurodevelopmental trajectories of visual and audiovisual language processing in reading with varying reading skills in the Developmental Neuroimaging Group. More specifically, her research project focused on the investigation of neural correlates of reading and reading development in children, using EEG and MRI. Currently, Sarah is working as a postdoc in the ChildBrainCircuits subproject of the URPP AdaBD, investigating the neural basis of multisensory learning and processing during child development.
